Looking for Some Opinions or Research?
Fed up of endless over-capitalised and excessively punctuated public review boards? Then try some of our law firm review articles. Written by staff with over 20 years experience in the industry having worked with thousands of solicitors. All compiled into our main site:A City Law Firm Ltd in London: Their organisation provides an excellent range of user side data which is sadly not mirrored by their Scottish or Irish counterparts. The Legal 500 is one name you might have spotted on a lot of legal professional websites. They have more information about their setup...
ACSL Solicitors Ltd in Liverpool: Some firms are registered with their https: www.liverpoollawsociety.org.uk lawyers acsl-solicitors-ltd " local law society< a> as well. They also seem to have a genuine help article section with everything from basic 'We're Selling a property - how does it work?' pieces...
Amy King Legal - Personal Injury & Litigation Solicitor in Gillingham, Kent: Certainly when confronted with a very friendly 5-year experienced solicitor after just speaking to an incredibly curt 40-year veteran - you will be tempted to use the less experienced but more approachable person. The concept in TV shows such as Boston Legal where a large es...
Backhouse Solicitors in Chelmsford, Essex: The founding date of a firm is utterly meaningless and usually tenous. We've stated many times in other articles how a firm promoting their 100+ year old brand name as some sort of definitive proof of their talents proves nothing. If you check https: solicitors...
Scotland Injury Solicitors from Baker Hardman Ltd in Glasgow: But it can result in having to wait for callbacks as the paralegal goes between you and the solicitor in charge. Top Solicitors in Preston and Glasgow."< div> That's an opening line from the website of Baker Hardman Solicitors , a firm handling a range of legal matter...
Brian Barr Solicitors Ltd Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia Compensation in Manchester: Experience is also a massive part of a successful and swift outcome to your case. class="infoquote "Funding your case may well be very straightforward through your existing legal expenses cover or our 'no win, no fee' scheme."< div>. 'brian barr solicitors manchester'...
Brodies LLP Solicitors in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh & Inverness Scotland: Although Brodies is essentially a Scottish firm of solicitors with offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Inverness - they also list office locations in London (England), Brussels (Belgium), and Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). Not just large in the sense of multipl...
Buchanan & Co Ltd Solicitors in Staveley, Chesterfield, Kiveton Park & Sheffield: In fact, they could probably do with updating their website content to reflect the extra years of experience gained since that statement was put on the site. Unfortunately even the best firm out there will end up with complaints about delays in property sales. The official w...
Calio Claims Ltd - Personal Injury in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth & Dundee: For anything else you'll probably be under the Lindsays departments. This is typically in larger cases such as Medical Negligence where a lot more time and risk have to be taken on by the firm. The first sounds like a modern firm whilst the second sounds like a crusty old ...
Cook Legal Ltd Law Firm in Wirral, Merseyside: Of course since the birth of the internet, anyone under the age of 30 will have no clue what that feels like. Many firms provide testimonials on their websites. They handled a wide range of services and if you wanted something done, you went down or rang for an appoi...
Crockett & Co Family Law Solicitors in Leeds: class="infoquote "Crockett & Co Solicitors was formed in 1991"< div> The qualification dates and experience of the actual solicitors within a firm can be a great indicator and give peace of mind. Or it could be that they are a larger firm covering several areas ...
Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Ltd - Conveyancing & Legal Services in Chester: This combined with our impressive depth of knowledge and expertise ensures that we provide a solution focused approach for our clients."< div> For example, you may not have noticed the difference in wording when it comes to claims about establishment. 'cullimore dutton...
Defank Solicitors in London: class="infoquote "Our costs are completely transparent, competitive and always openly discussed ahead of all instructions."< div> Many Conveyancing firms will have costs listed right on their website. There are ways you can find out information yourself to help ...
Dispute Resolver Consultancy - Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR in London: It's possible this could be because the firm is using generic terms in the name - i.e. While one may sound easier or more likely to succeed on paper, it may not work best for your particular problem. Many law firms have started offering this service and using this process bu...
CWJ Solicitors & Notaries - Clarkson Wright & Jakes Ltd in Orpington, Kent: But for any law firm we highly recommend reading the actual reviews rather than simply flicking through star ratings. So the age of the firm's logo will probably bear no relation on how well they will run your case. Variants such as www.cwj.com are not owned by the firm an...
Drummond Miller LLP Solicitors in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bathgate, Musselburgh, Dalkeith & East Kilbride: It's very common for solicitors to use their names with an 'and' in between, but not in this case.
class="infoquote "great value considering all the effort they expended on our behalf"
"always willing to answer any questions"
"straight forward, professional and won ...
Eatons Solicitors in Bradford, Bingley, Yeadon & Leeds West Yorkshire:
Over the past decade there has been a massive upsurge of people https: www.telegraph.co.uk money katie-investigates thought-did-everything-right-100k-house-deposit-transferred " sending their home deposit< a> to a scammer.
class="infoquote "we have expanded ...
EDC Lord & Co Solicitors in Southall: The website offers a comprehensive overview of the legal services the firm provides, including commercial law, employment law, family law, litigation, and more.
class="infoquote "We have decades of experience providing high quality and bespoke solutions to cater for y...
EMD Law LLP Solicitors in Staplehurst & St Leonards-on-Sea: Not just fill a form in with a junior member of staff. (Lots of people smiling, looking at paperwork, and the obligatory handshake snapshot.)
class="infoquote "We believe that visiting a solicitor should not be a frightening or daunting experience and we do our utmost...
England & Derbyshire LLP Solicitors in Guildford and Woking, Surrey: Not only that, there's a lot of different types of legal professional to choose from. The longest serving seems to have served 33 years as a solicitor. At the moment the main targets in the legal industry are the customers of conveyancing firms.
class="infoquote "Our...
Eve Lake Conveyancing & Legal Services in Hope Valley:
Be aware though, in either case, most mortgage lenders will only deal with certain conveyancers and solicitors https: www.lenderpanel.com " on their panel< a>. Did you know that 'solicitors' and 'lawyers' are not the same thing in the UK? If you didn't know, don't w...
Farah Family Law Solicitors in Birmingham:
Farah Family Law certainly would certainly qualify as such a specialist in the minds of most people. It does, but if you're not really a specialist - should you be using it?
We think there are only two setups which should allow the use of the word "specialist"...
Foster & Coleman Ltd Solicitors in Bromley, Greater London: It states the firm is relatively new which brings up a point about law firms we've covered before but which bears repeating. This can be difficult when looking up comments about law firms though.
class="infoquote "They now bring that successful track record, as well ...
Frei Solicitors Ltd - Luxury Asset Law Firm in London: This brings us to today's tip which is not to judge a law firm by the number of reviews. For any given area we might displays results for a general high street solicitor next to a direct access barrister or a specialist non-solicitor solution. It's time consuming and costly....
Girlings Solicitors LLP & Girlings Personal Injury Claims Ltd in Sandwich, Ashford & Canterbury: But as phrases such as No Win No Fee became the standard, the number of law firms opening up separate personal injury brands decreased. But are there any benefits differences in using a firm that has a split setup like this?
class="infoquote "At Girlings we place th...
Goldsmith Bowers Debt Recovery & Litigation Solicitors in Bradford: The answer isn't completely black and white, but certainly there is enough anecdotal evidence from our 20+ years in the industry to make the claim that people have found better results with specialist Motor Offence, Divorce, and Medical Negligence firms.
Not every f...
Garden Stirling Burnet Solicitors Ltd in Haddington, Edinburgh, Dunbar, North Berwick & Tranent: There is a firm showing up as GSB Properties in our background searches but that seems to be the old name for this same firm. If you see a firm stating "established 1881" or similar though, you need to remember that there will not be a 200-year-old wise guru solicitor in t...
Guardian Law Ltd - Employment & HR Lawyers in Nottingham: https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk office 471765 guardian-law-limited" For this firm< a> you'll see the two principal solicitors Claire Scanlan and Nichola Elenor qualified in 2003 and 2002 respectively. That's a good four decades of combined experience between them. A...
Harrison's Solicitors - Conveyancing in Reading, Caversham & Woodley: So seeing any property firm with a star rating in the 4s such as Harrisons' is unusual. Although, sadly, since everyone has allowed Google to take over what people get to see online - that 'money rules' imbalance is being brought back in.
This way you can check whethe...
HCR Legal LLP Solicitors Law Firm incl Medical Accident Group in Worcester, Birmingham & Hereford: Everything from a one-person sole practitioner setups to multi-office practices with hundreds of staff. Both sites are HTTPS secure for submitting your personal details in their contact form.
Most importantly they list the qualification dates of any solicitors worki...
Heritage Park Family Law Ltd - Barrister Chambers in Ampthill, Bedford: Today we're going to highlight the firm Heritage Park Family Law Ltd. Some charge a fee for this service. It's odd to imagine opening hours being a selling point, but when it comes to the worry of a court case - access to your legal team does become a consideration. A solic...
Horsley Law Solicitors in Stafford aka Horsley Holdings Ltd: 100% Satisfied Clients."< div>
They are a relatively new firm in comparison to the ages of many legal practices in the UK, with Horsley being set up in 2016. So where can you regularly get useful information about lawyers and legal practices? For example today we're ...
Kee Solicitors Ltd in Glasgow & Aberdeen: Not least with the external social impact of the changing world on the types of cases and new legal precedents coming to the forefront year after year.
class="infoquote "Kee Solicitors from the outset was set up to be a modern, transparent and approachable law firm."<...
QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson - Law Firm in Southsea, Portsmouth: Most people will head to the public boards such as Google, Facebook or Trustpilot. You may be curious why we've reviewed the name 'QualitySolicitors' more than once on this site. Sadly, not all law societies provide such great detail. So 'John Doe Solicitors' becomes 'Qualit...
LS Legal Solicitors Ltd: That's a considerable mix of seasoned heads with fresh eyes.
class="infoquote "LS Legal Solicitors is a multi-service, specialist, diverse and dynamic law firm"< div>
It's a misconception that any firm stating a wider case range must therefore spread their tim...
Lyons Solicitors - Law Firm in Kingswood, Westbury-on-Trym & Chew Magna (Bristol): So, take the time. It's strange to think the internet has only been with us just over two decades because it really feels as though the way in which we shop and hire services has changed more in those 20 years than in the 200 before it. How old the brand name of a firm has...
Mark Croft Driving Offence Solicitor in Derby: So just be careful anyway when visiting sites and always be aware of what site you're on, it's padlock status, and who's emailing you.. Todays article will focus on the motor offence solicitor Mark Croft as there are some interesting things to point out regarding his ser...
Marsden Rawsthorn Solicitors Ltd in Preston & Chorley: There are always problems and delays.
class="infoquote "Communication is the key to the excellent level of client service that we deliver.
class="infoquote "Need a quote for a residential conveyancing transaction? Try our quick and easy residential conveyanci...
McCarthy + Co LLP Solicitors in Dublin, Cork & Clonakilty:
class="infoquote "At our last Q9000 quality assurance audit we were rated 99%."< div>
They have accreditation from various organisations such as APIL (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers) as well as a quality assurance stamp from LQSI (Legal Quality Standards...
SG Murphy & Co Ltd - Solicitors in Newtownabbey, Belfast: Much of the language they use sounds the same and even the images on their websites look the same - professional looking people, smiling, and shaking hands. SG Murphy Solicitors does display some reviews on their website . We had to search for the exact firm name which was ...
Nero Legal Solicitors Conveyancing Law Firm in Glasgow, Scotland: Always ring the official number you have and speak to someone you already know at the firm to check.. With every firm we write about there is normally something that has stood out to us. However always keep aware of which website you are on and who is emailing you. We reco...
MPG Quantity Surveyors Ltd in London - Chartered Surveyors for Construction Dispute Arbitration:
class="infoquote "Since 1996 MPG have been providing professional support to the construction industry worldwide with our specialities in Quantity Surveying"< div>
Quantity surveying is one of those terms that everyone knows, but isn't always quite sure what it...
Nicholson Jones Sutton Solicitors in Macclesfield: Alternate searches such as 'njs law' or even typical mis-spellings such as 'nicholas jones sutton' brought up the correct firm. There is a wealth of data on each registered firm and legal professional including any alternate contact details, trading names, qualification date...
Oakwood Solicitors Ltd & Oakwood Property Solicitors in Leeds: But while these terms sound wonderful, they are not really helpful for consumers in their search to tell firms apart. For example https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk organisation offices 470186 oakwood-solicitors-limited-" for this firm< a> you can see details about all o...
PCS Legal Ltd Conveyancing Solicitors in Basildon, Ongar, Wickford, London, Rayleigh &Harlow: Especially when it comes to property matters where one side is usually unhappy.
class="infoquote "We provide a fast and efficient service which at the onset includes a free, no obligation quotation, containing details of our fixed rate charges to ensure there are no h...
Sarah Rostamlou-Andrews Law - Landlord / Tenant Eviction Dispute Solicitor in Southport, Lancashire: They want the veteran 'loophole finder' in their corner (despite the fact that is rarely how people get out of speeding tickets). So make sure you know what type of firm you are dealing with. Therefore while your local takeaway might have hundreds of reviews , your local so...
Solidaire Solicitors - Solidaire Law Ltd in Milton Keynes:
class="infoquote "We aim to provide a fast and efficient service, with Settlement Agreements often completed within 24-48 hours."< div>
Some more notes on navigation. We've seen firms state phrases such as "20 years of combined experience within the firm". But y...
Sternberg Reed LLP Solicitors with Offices in Romford, Barking & Grays: The site is HTTPS secure for submitting your details on their contact form. we want to ensure every potential client has the opportunity to have a free 15 minute consultation with a lawyer."< div>
A quick note on navigation. Stating a larger size of firm can convey t...
Thomas and Thomas Solicitors Ltd in Maesteg, Bridgend & Port Talbot: This can be incredibly useful in sifting out those with real experience and real specialism versus those attempting a jack-of-all-trades approach to law. This is done using marketing phrases such as '20 years experience within the firm' which could be 10 staff members ea...
The Law Partnership Ltd - Solicitors in Coventry: "the law partnership solicitors coventry"). That could still be a 'specialist' firm if each solicitor is expert in each case type. Many of the things we do from a business vetting side might be useful to you from a consumer side as well.
In this article we're going to...
TWB Probate Solicitors Ltd - Estate Planning, Wills & Probate in London:
class="infoquote "TWB Probate Solicitors. clients complete a relatively comprehensive questionnaire which is followed up by a series of e-meetings proves more suitable for those whose might want tax advice or whose circumstances were not entirely straightforward"< di...
UVS Law Immigration & Visa Solicitor in Burton-on-Trent & London:
This includes Business Immigration such as Sponsorship Licences and Skilled Workers, Personal Immigration such as Partner Routes (e.g. Your immigration lawyer should discuss your options with you before making you decide whether to use their services..
There a...
Walker Foster Ltd Solicitors in Skipton, Barnoldswick, Silsden, Settle, Ilkley, Northallerton & Harrogate: You need to be extra vigilant when it comes to property matters and ensure you are on the correct website and talking to a genuine staff member. Why? Because a lot of law firms will state 'we are a large well-established firm' along with a bunch of other claims without a...
Waterstone Partnership Solicitors Ltd in Bradford:
When there is a difference between the firm name and the web address it is sometimes a good idea to bookmark it just in case.
But we can't stress enough the importance of reading actual comments and not just relying on star ratings when it comes to comparing...
WH Law Ltd - Immigration Solicitors in Woking: There are firms out there that say 'we specialise in xyz' and list a massive number of areas of law. (And that's tough to say living in one of them!)
class="infoquote "We have in-depth knowledge of immigration and EU law with plenty of experience in dealing with the H...
Wildcat Law Ltd Solicitors in London & Southampton:
All this is hugely important due to the number of scams targeting law firm clients. That is very rare even now despite Direct Access having been around for over a decade.
class="infoquote "Unlike most law firms in England and Wales we offer both Solicitors ...
Wilford Smith Solicitors in Sheffield (Meadowhall) & Rotherham - WS Strategic Ltd: This one from the Wilford Smith site is very clear , indicating that they have been serving clients for over 40 years. Which makes these statements almost useless for a consumer trying to tell the firms apart. We are your trusted advisor."< div>
If you've already been...
Wolf Law Solicitors Ltd in Wirral: Such as this cutting above from their website. It's a good place to get independent background about a legal service provider.
class="infoquote "Get in touch today and we'll assess your case for free."< div>
Just as a point of clarification, 'no win no fee' an...
WYM Legal Ltd Conveyancing Solicitors in Watford: You can usually check this using websites such as The Law Society for that area or https: www.sra.org.uk consumers register organisation ?sraNumber=627673" the Solicitors Regulation Authority< a>. It's not uncommon to see even some of the country's top conveyancing compan...
Law (aka All Law Ltd) Solicitors in Preston: So how can you discern one firm from another?
As an example we're going to cover a firm called Law based in Preston. The worst currently target property matters due to the large sums involved. For a start, most of them look the same with the same sales language, pro...
Please check out the new US Law Firm Reviews section on our sister site.