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Here's a few more of the articles our staff have generated. They provide useful info, commentaries, comparisons, links, samples, examples and more:33 Legal Ltd | Claim Services in Preston & Manchester: But we've also been in the legal industry for over 20 years now and some firms can get way too involved in their own branding. As if following their local solicitor is something anyone outside the industry gets excited about. The 2017 date only references when the company be...
5 Essex Court Chambers & Partners - Barristers in London: Clearly 5 Essex Court are highly regarded by other professionals , but there are far fewer comments on the web by people who have actually used a barrister at this firm. However it's not uncommon for random adverts to appear under this or related keywords. We've never under...
Aconveyancing Ltd in Tamworth & Shirley (Solihull): For example this article from https: www.standard.co.uk homesandproperty property-news stamp-duty-holiday-deadline-extension-rish-sunak-a140746.html" The Evening Standard< a> on stamp duty during the lengthy lockdown and the pressure currently on conveyancing firms in suc...
Aina Khan Law Ltd - Family Law Solicitors in Broxbourne, London: Accident Claims Scotland or Serious Law. It may have nothing to do with their actual legal expertise. In fact, out of the 200+ review articles we've put out over the past 20+ years of working with law firms - we can safely say that Aina Khan's site is one of the best balance...
Allsop Durn Solicitors in Ruislip: really.) So always put the star ratings into context by reading the comments that go with. We are pleased that most of our work comes from repeat clients which hopefully means we are doing something right."< div> These days people are very suspicious of testimonials o...
Apprise Legal Services - Wills, Trusts, Probate & Estate Planning in Sutton Coldfield: For Wills and Probate matters, many people can genuinely be fine with just a bog-standard template that a junior staff member helps you fill in. There has been a huge rise in self-employment in this country though and family setups are getting increasingly complicated to...
APS Legal & Associates Ltd - Will Advisors and Assured Probate Services: class="infoquote "Great personal service, flexible to suit personal circumstances which was priceless for working parents of a young family." "A very personal, prompt and professional service." "Unfailingly courteous and patient. Plus many of the consultants ...
Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services in Whitley Bay, Newcastle: However to be clear - Aspire Licensing do not state they are a law firm in the traditional sense and no mention is made to 'solicitors' within the firm. Obviously, never discuss such payments via email or even with someone that calls you up. You can always hang up and ring...
Auto Logistic Solutions Ltd - Vehicle Accident Management: Normally we would rummage through Ombudsman databases, mountains of consumer reviews, news articles, and dig around page 13 of search engine results looking for the information and points of view people might otherwise miss. For example, we still offer people a solicitor to ...
Avery & Walters Ltd - Solicitors in Leeds & Harrogate: Obviously there are going to be common mistakes such as 'avary walters' or 'avery walter' so it's probably a good idea to bookmark the site once you're on it to be sure . This is done for founding dates too to make firms sound far more established than they are. every membe...
AWH Legal Ltd - AWH Solicitors in Manchester & Blackburn: But we've been working with law firms for over 20 years now and can confidently say that any official Lexcel, Law Society or Legal 500 stamp of approval is a good sign . class="infoquote "We provide a free 15 minute initial consultation for all of our services except...
Briffa Legal Ltd Intellectual Property (IP) Solicitors in London: Whatever you do, don't go to www.briffalaw.com (just don't) and the most common misspelling www.brifa.com and .co.uk are not currently owned by anyone either. With Briffa though, there's bucket loads. Do you?) Briffa's staff profiles are actually quite revealing as to why t...
CFG Law Personal Injury Solicitors in Cheadle, Greater Manchester: CFG are a rarity in even mentioning this level of care, let alone having several pages dedicated to it on their website. One final note about navigation as we're dealing with an acronym. However, I've also personally written and commissioned many articles about the sha...
CSL Law Ltd Solicitors in Croydon: Usually we only strongly advise people to bookmark a solicitor's site when fraud is a possibility such as scammers preying on property transactions. There are similarly named firms at addresses such as www.csllegal.com, www.cslegal.com and www.csl.com but none of the UK vers...
DFA Law LLP Solicitors in Northampton: The official site we link to above is www.dfalaw.co.uk which is https secure for you to safely submit your personal details on the web form. Titles such as "The end of ‘furlough’ – what now?", "Employment Tribunal fees abolished with immediate effect" and "Commercial Prop...
Driscoll Kingston Solicitors in Liverpool: More than a dozen snippets packed with odd grammar, spelling mistakes, and a mix of quotes commentaries. But the fact it's not simply a pile of extra sales pitches disguised as articles - speaks volumes. There are only a handful of reviews in places such as Google, 192 and...
Hammond Trotter Solicitors Ltd | Motor Offence Lawyers in Manchester & London: Unfortunately, when you have a very low number of reviews from which to draw an average - just one even middle-ing review can cause a large slip. We're reading solicitor's websites daily. This is a shame and hopefully more people will search further for a wider range of com...
Fieldfisher LLP Personal Injury Solicitors in Manchester & London: But according to our poll last year, many members of the public also find them useful in helping judge the quality, experience and establishment of a firm when looking to choose one for their own case. And by large we mean, well, large. So on this occasion we would suggest i...
Frank Rogers Law Ltd - Motoring Offence Solicitor in Birkenhead: Also keep an eye out for whether a firm offers a free consultation with the actual qualified solicitor who may be running your case . The https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk office 1320 frank-rogers-law-ltd" page for this firm< a> will provide you with several link...
GloverPriest Solicitors Ltd in Birmingham (Great Barr), Stourbridge, Wellingborough & Tamworth: Glover&Priest with the ampersand in the middle is not possible as a web address but www.gloverandpriest.com is. We've gone in depth on this issue in other articles (site search box below) however in short - Conveyance firms will always have far more negative reviews than fir...
HH Law Ltd - Hampson Hughes Solicitors in Liverpool: One of the founders of our own 1to1Legal Firm (Mike Beverley) actually started off as an accident investigator in Liverpool for a nationwide firm of solicitors. AND from start to finish (which only took 4 months) HH kept me informed on a regular basis" "They kept me upd...
Helix Law Ltd - Solicitors in Brighton & Eastbourne: If you factor in possible common errors we've already seen such as 'helixlegal', 'helixsolicitors' and even more once you start on hyphens - it's not worth the risk. The majority of Helix Law's positive reviews are from people that have reviewed a wide range of firms indic...
HJA.net - Hodge Jones & Allen LLP Solicitors in London: Even if you’re not sure that your circumstances warrant legal action, it’s always worth discussing the matter with a member of our team to see what your options might be."< div>. There does seem to have been a website at www.hodgejonesallen.co.uk at some point, and you may s...
Howe + Co Solicitors in Brentford, London: One of the few areas of law Howe & Co don't actually handle though is Conveyancing, which is the most common legal area facing fraudsters at the moment. class="infoquote "Howe + Co Solicitors are a leading London law firm specialising in complex litigation both in the ...
R James Hutcheon Solicitors - Law Firm in Liverpool: Not just the legal industry either - in general. How can you tell them apart? How can you tell which one is best for you? Or are they all pretty much the same? It's true that for many smaller claims there are average claim amounts that insurers and claims firms pretty...
Ian Mallon Solicitors Ltd in Newry and Dublin: class="infoquote "this company came with good recommendations, very grateful to them for my positive experience through a difficult time" "everything was communicated very clearly and I was kept up to date with the process" "helpful and informative and promp...
IWC Estate Planning & Management Ltd - Probate & Will Services in Croydon, Bristol & Braintree: And they could be a little more consistent about their branding, even just for the sake of navigation. class="infoquote "Your initial consultation with us is free of charge, with no obligation to proceed."< div> Hopefully if you've continued reading this far you...
Jarmans Solicitors Ltd in Sittingbourne, Kent & Chancery Lane, London: i was made to feel at ease with Gordon Johnson" • "I highly recommend Jay Sahota and his team ..." < div> How does these compare with the third party independent review sites? Well, our first tip before even heading to third party boards such as Yelp, Yellow P...
Joanna Connolly Solicitors in Liverpool, Merseyside: Often a conditional fee arrangement is put in place where the client pays no money up front, but as much as 25% to 30% of any monies 'won' during a case will be paid to the solicitor on completion. That last one is quite important. For consumer credit disputes, they also lis...
Kings View Chambers, London with Stephen McCaffrey & Catherine Stock: So what about the barristers themselves? Stephen McCaffrey is Head of Chambers at Kings View Chambers having become a barrister in 2007. She has since defended a variety of clinicians brought before disciplinary regulatory tribunals and can advise on how to respond t...
Kudos Legal Ltd Solicitors in Glasgow and Preston: For some reason, people really do feel that a firm stating 'established in 1882' must be a much better and a far more experienced firm than one which has only been
Lawcomm Solicitors Services in Fareham, Whiteley & London: Lawcomm should also get a couple of thumbs up for having a proper Blog section. So one day a mistype domain such as www.lawcom.com could be picked up for a few pounds by such a scammer and used to trick people into handing over bank details.